A Proven and Trusted Leader for Frankfort


The Ideal Balance of Preservation and Progress

Todd Morgan is a trusted leader in the Frankfort community.

  If you are like most people, you believe Frankfort is the perfect place to live, work, and experience the benefits of a community sustained and driven by shared values. Foremost of which is our commitment to making Frankfort the best it can be.

  Serving as a Frankfort Village Trustee for 14 years I am familiar with the challenges that come with sustaining the unique and timeless character of our community while accommodating and promoting growth.

  My proven ability to strike a healthy balance between preservation and progress is why I am once again volunteering to represent you as a Frankfort Village Trustee. To ensure we maintain a safe, peaceful, and prosperous way of life that all of us can enjoy.


“Thank you for all you have done for Frankfort and the standards that you have set. We all thank you, this is a great community because of the work you have done here.”

Mayor Keith Ogle

Building on the success of my previous term as a Frankfort Village Trustee, my goals and objectives are:

Todd Morgan played an integral role in the redevelopment of Kansas Street.
  • More downtown parking and parking solutions.
  •  Strive toward achieving tax relief by reinstating the Village property tax rebate program.
  • Add more trails to connect subdivisions, provide greater access to trails, and implement better trail maintenance by plowing during winter months.
  • Continue to highlight Historic Downtown Frankfort by attracting a unique mixed use of venues.
  • Increase the overall safety of our citizens through enhanced community policing programs, pedestrian crossing signs, and safe crossing system areas. Community policing introduces state-of-the-art tools that help make our neighborhoods and families safer.
  • Work more closely with community organizations to guide further planning and cooperation with Village government.
  • Work to increase both the commercial and industrial tax bases, but only through smart, controlled, visionary planning.
  • Continue to be active in school funding reform in an effort to lessen the burden on property taxes.
  • Develop more activities like Movies on the Green, Scarecrow Festival, Old Plank Trail Celebration, Winter on the Green and Concerts on the Green to involve and interest our residents.

Proven Leadership: Why Our Community Needs Todd Morgan as a Village Trustee


  • Todd Morgan worked with community and government leaders in accomplishing the widening and beautification of the Route 30 Corridor while ensuring careful and strategic planning for future development
  • Water Quality: Played a pivotal role in implementing an iron filtration system that improved the quality of Frankfort water by removing over 99% of iron that plagued our residents
  • Prioritizes controlled growth by requiring the highest standards in commercial, retail, and residential development


Listening and involving community members is essential in building a strong village government.
  • Community Involvement: Forged solid partnerships between Village and local organization including the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Historic Merchants Association, Frankfort Library, Frankfort Fire District, Frankfort Park District, Boys Baseball, Girls Softball, and Falcons Football
  • Responsive to community interest in enhancing existing events and activities while exploring new ideas that facilitate increased involvement
  • Solicits input and listens to community residents and organizations in establishing short- and long-term development plans.


  • Todd Morgan provides 35 years of high-level experience in financial planning and asset management
  • Committed to elevating all aspects of community safety, including reestablishing comprehensive police reporting as an important agenda item for Village meetings
  • Worked closely with public and private entities in developing the new police station as a means of expanding police protection and services
  • Todd is an independent candidate whose mission is representing residents and commercial interest with equal enthusiasm

“I have always known you [Todd] to stand for quality. You have insisted on quality development whether it be in our housing stock or our commercial development in town. Frankly, you have also insisted on quality from our staff whether it’s our police department or our public works or whether it is how we operate our snowplows. You have always stood for quality, and it’s very much appreciated. Also, for your particular interest in our downtown and its development and commercial development, I say thank you.”

Former Frankfort Mayor Jim Holland

Community: (noun) a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.

Prairie Park is a thriving example of community. The 13-acre conservation area is the result of a 1995 Village of Frankfort initiative to purchase the property and establish, preserve, protect, and sustain a native prairie area. Featuring a vibrant and diverse ecosystem. Prairie Park includes native prairie, natural plants, a walking path, and fishing pond. 

Prairie Park is also a shining example of how Village leadership can work with and support parks and recreational areas without interfering with the existing park district plans or overstepping boundaries. Todd Morgan appreciates and is an expert at developing intergovernmental agency collaborations. And he believes there is always room for improvement.

Thanks to the foresight and wisdom of those who came before us, Frankfort residents and visitors have a wonderful opportunity to experience prairie life, including:

  • restoration and creation of additional native prairie area, wetlands, wet prairie and rocky stream;
  • creation of wildlife habitat and a passive recreational area;
  • application of sound resource management techniques and best management practices for storm water treatment; and
  • promotion of environmental education.
Prairie Park is a thriving example of community.

“I always, always knew you had the highest standards for us and the Village and for the downtown and all the development that came along, and you would not bend on those standards. You wanted to keep Frankfort to be the jewel that it is and not let it become just another suburb in this area. We always need someone to be our conscience, and you did wonderfully at that. It was a pleasure to work with you.”

— former Frankfort Village Trustee Cindy Heath

The Time is Always Right for Community Involvement

   The Village of Frankfort’s strongest asset is the breadth of expertise and wisdom its citizens offer. Yet that strength is often overlooked, underutilized, or ignored altogether.

   Todd Morgan wholeheartedly believes that the ideal Village Board is an open and visible body — to be engaged with and accountable  to all residents. That puts the onus on you, the voter. It is imperative you support, vote for, and seat the very finest candidates available. People like Todd Morgan, who act not of their own accord but under the authority vested in them by you and the Frankfort community.

Shared Values: Why You Want Todd Morgan as a Frankfort Village Trustee


  • Todd Morgan is more interested in hearing about your goals and aspirations for the Frankfort Community than telling you his.
  • Believes in maintaining a safe, well-planned, and balanced mix of commercial activity in the Historic Downtown area
  • Prioritizes representing each individual person and business of Frankfort
  • Todd Morgan believes collaboration is essential in planning and sustaining a healthy and unified community.


  • Lifetime of faithfully serving the Village of Frankfort.
  • Over 35 years of experience as a trusted Financial Investment Advisor
  • Promotes and strives toward higher quality, lower impact development aimed at complementing and supporting existing local businesses.
  • Strong record of fighting for lower taxes and increasing the property tax rebate program until it reaches 100%
  • Places a high value on schools, parks, police, fire, and library districts


  • A  history of enhancing and promoting Frankfort’s historic charm and friendly atmosphere
  • Todd stridently pursues continuous improvement in your overall safety by restoring regular police reporting as part of village community meetings.
  • Works to increase commercial and industrial tax bases through smart, controlled, and visionary planning
  • Tireless commitment to ensuring your tax dollars are used in the best possible way

Don't delay in making sure you are registered to Vote in the upcoming April 1, 2025 election and please select Todd Morgan when you do Vote.